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Good morning, everyone. Well its been a eventful week and it's only Wednesday. I had a fantastic weekend, Mother's Day weekend, and want to say thank you all for the beautiful comments and DMs I received!
I decide to take the whole week off work due to some family visiting, one of my husband's children is here visiting for a week. I spent A LOT of time Monday working on custom content and got all that cleared up, although still a few things to work on yet. So I felt pretty accomplished. 💪🏼
And on Monday I had some issues with my car..... again.... and had to take it to the shop, again. A few of you long timers might remember way back in December or January I had issues with my suspension and it was a $2700 repair 😔. Well they told me was some of what was wrong this time would be fixed under warranty of that work. But then they hit me with I needed about another $2000 of work on top of that 🤬🤬🤬 I learned all of this yesterday and said "enough is enough" and looked into trading out of that car, which I did. So I spent several hours back and forth at the dealership yesterday and I didn't have much time to spend here and post for TT. Sorry.
On a personal level the good news is I'm in a brand new 2024 vehicle so I don't have to worry about more repairs for a long, long time. The bad news is my payment went up by, not a huge amount, but it went up. But this is the first time in my life I've ever had a brand new car!
This photo set really has nothing to do with any of that though 😂 Just whenever I post in my Chucks or Keds or even heels I get a HUGE response from it. I guess you guys really love girls in shoes! I once was asked if I had Nike shoes, yes, but I have never posted pictures in these. Actually take that back, I think I posted 1 picture 1 time. So I decided to do a whole set in my Air Force 1s.
I'm hoping to take some pictures of and I'm my new car if anyone is interested, but the weather is once again crappy so need to wait for a sunny day.
Love ya!
KK 💋
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